4 Easy ways to baby proof you home

4 Easy ways to baby proof you home

It is important for parents of younger kids to baby proof their homes to avoid any hazards

baby proof

Parents of toddlers and expecting parents have one worry all day long on how to baby proof their house. The process includes what things you should include and what you should not have to ensure the safety of their child. Although, it is not rocket science, but many times the process can be a little frustrating for the parents. To make it a little easy, here we will be sharing a few basic tips that can be used to baby-proof your home and make a safe space for your baby to grow and enjoy.

1. Select your corner tables wisely – When you are shopping for a corner table, make sure that you go for a round one. Sharp edges can always put your child at risk for injuries. It could hit your kid’s eyes or head, which makes a round table way safer. You can also get rid of sofas that have pointed handles.

2. Bookshelves on the wall – When you have children around, make sure that you have bookshelves that have been bolted to the wall. Such furniture can easily tip-over and cause injury to the babies. Optionally, you can also have ones that have broad legs so there is of chance of them falling down.

3. Faux candles – With children around you, you need to compromise on a few things and go flameless as it can help save from hazards. Flax candles are as good as ones with flames and look realistic. They are affordable and also provide safety from fire hazards without the need to hamper your home décor.

4. Cordless blinds – Blinds are one of the top things that could cause danger to kids around. Dangling cords from the blinds can cause danger to the little ones running around, who do not know anything about the hazards. Thankfully there are also options with cordless blinds which are not just stylish but also safe and easy and a must to baby proof the house. They could be a little expensive, but perfect in terms of safety for kids.

Photo Credits: Pixabay